Further Information and Links
Bibliographical references on the Web
- www.lancs.ac.uk/users/acadreg/pubs/95conted.htm
PERCY, K. A. (1995), 'Adult self-directed learning in the community and its implications': in Hamilton, M. and Withnall, A, eds., Proceedings of a conference on innovation in continuing education provision, teaching and learning: research perspectives, Department of Continuing Education and Department of Educational Research, Lancaster University, April 1995, 33-40. PERCY, K. A. (1995), 'Research into adult self-directed learning in Britain and its implications for educating the adult educator': in Collins, M. ed., Proceedings of a conference on educating the adult educator: role of the university, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, 1995, 213-20.
- http://www.paulchapmanpublishing.co.uk/booksProdDesc.nav?level1=CJ0&currTree=Subjects&prodId=Book5453
Areglado, Ronald J., Bradley R. C. & Lane, Pamela S. Learning for Life: Creating Classrooms for Self-Directed Learning